Essay Competition on SDGs- Achieve #ZeroHunger

What is my duty to achieve  #ZeroHunger by 2030?



Goal No. 2 # ZeroHunger in is organizing the biggest Essay Competition on SDGs #ZeroHunger to cerebrate Word Food Day

Interested students from grade 7 to university level can access information about the topic, organise their essay and submit online from 16th Oct 2018. 

Objective of Competition:

  • Students can understand about UN’s sustainable global goals and contribute themselves by exploring the topics, accessing information and use the knowledge and understanding in real life in society.
  • Through essay competition student can understand the value of food and how people are affected without food and measurements can be taken to achieve ZeroHunger.

The competition is open for all students studying in India from class 7 to university level. Foreign national students can participate if they study in India.

Participation Fee:  No Participation of fee

Competition will open:  16th October 2018 to 25th October 2018.

Theme:  What is my duty to achieve  #ZeroHunger by 2030?

Word Counts:

  • Junior Group (for Class 7 to 9) : 150-300 words
  • Senior Group ( Class 10 to 12) :300 to 500 words
  • College/University students: 500 to 700 words


  • Certificate of Participation for all participants
  • 3 winning essay will be selected in each category
  • 3 winners in each category will be highlighted with their name, photo and country on website
  • Top 3 winners will be promoted on social Media and on website
  • Top 25 students in junior and senior category will get free 1 year subscription of “The Positive“- The Highly Resourceful Newsletter. 

For more information and participate in competition :  Click Here

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